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Support the Boise Rescue Mission

Blind Appeal is excited to be a participant in the Boise Rescue Mission’s “March to End Hunger” project. For each new “Page Like” on our Facebook for the month of March we will be donating 5 cans of food to the Boise Rescue Mission for their March to End Hunger Food Drive.

For each new “Page Like” on our Facebook for the month of March we will be donating 5 cans of food to the Boise Rescue Mission for their March to End Hunger Food Drive. We will also be entering their 4th Annual Canned Castle Contest, where we will be judged on two things: the creativity of the castle, and the amount of food collected. We will be “building” our castle with the canned food at our NampWarehouse and will post a picture on our website and Facebook once completed. The Food Drive stocks the Boise Rescue Mission for their lean summer months.

Last year Blind Appeal made donations through new Likes on our Facebook (thanks to our customers and friends) to the Boise Rescue Mission and in 2014 the Boise Rescue Mission served 375,612 hot meals and are predicting their numbers will grow in 2015.

As a part of being a business in the Treasure Valley for eight years, we think it is vital to also be a part of the important charities and foundations right here at home.

If you would like to participate in or help with the drive, “like” us on Facebook, or call the office at 888-1056 and we can give you more information.

Posted by baadmin at 3/18/2015 9:48:00 PM
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